You may wonder if I love you . . .

You may wonder if I love you . . .
…because you’ve had an abortion. Oh, dear sister, I love you no matter what and I grieve with you your loss.
…because you’re gay. I love you regardless. I’m straight, can you love me too?
…because you disagree with me. I love you and respect your opinion. And I admire your passion in working for what you believe just as I do.
…because you are a liberal. I liberally love you and admire your desire to help the underdog in the ways you feel would work.
…because you are Catholic, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Muslim, or whatever. I love you as a brother/sister in faith and try to also walk the path of goodness and righteousness.
…because you don’t agree with religion. I love you as a brother/sister regardless of your faith in science or religion.
…because you don’t like Star Trek. OK, now THAT’s where I draw the line. I’m sorry . . . but that just might be non-negotiable . . .Let me think about it for a bit….

(I know – this was serious and then my brain just took a giant left turn. That’s the way I roll.)

Please know that I love you — you truly are my sister or brother. I honestly feel that way no matter what choices you make in life. That NEVER EVER changes. (well, except maybe for the Star Trek thing . .. and I might need to add in Star Wars, camping, and ice cream. I’ve got issues — ) . OK, I will love you even then – but I might not like you as much as an ice-cream loving Trekkie in a tent. . . Just being real. Oh brother, this was supposed to be serious . . . I might be a bit sleep-deprived.